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Find apartments, houses for rent in Hanoi. Long-term and short-term lease cared. Free housing tour and free of commission. Work with our real estate professionals to ensure you will have a great settlement in Hanoi city.
Tuan is an outstanding agent to work with. He is a skilled listener and negotiator, with very in-depth knowledge of the local markets. He listened very carefully our requirement and our wishes. We found new home with him, very happy with his services Hanna
I’m highly recommened for Hanoiresidence team to any one who’s looking for home in Hanoi with great service, communication and support. They offered what’s available and suitable for my searching Thank you
My wife & I have moved some times in the last few year in Hanoi city. Obviously, we've dealt with many realtors both on hunting for new home. I have to say that Hanoiresidence is by far the BEST real estate agency we've ever worked with, They're professionalism, personality, attention to detail, responsiveness and their ability to close the deal was Outstanding!!! If you are looking for a home, do yourselves a favor and contact Hanoiresidence team! Nicky from England
Our ongoing mission is to provide the highest level of service to our clients to help them find property as needed, We aim to assist you in making the best real estate decision possible based on your needs. Right after receiveing your request, we swiftly analyze, check properties status, arrange free house tour schedule in order to meet your requirements.
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